We are here to represent the collective voices of Parent Carers in North Tyneside.
c/o 224 Park View, Whitley Bay, NE26 3QR, United Kingdom
e-mail: info@ntpcf.co.uk Phone: 07572787044 Leave us feedback here:
We are a Community Interest Company, led by and for, parent/carers of children, and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) aged from 0-25yrs.
We are Parent Carers ourselves, with a variety of backgrounds including business and professional practice. Our lived experience gives us a direct understanding of what it is like to be a parent carer.
We have personal & professional experience of Special Education Needs (SEN) and have a collective wealth of knowledge which enables us t
We are Parent Carers ourselves, with a variety of backgrounds including business and professional practice. Our lived experience gives us a direct understanding of what it is like to be a parent carer.
We have personal & professional experience of Special Education Needs (SEN) and have a collective wealth of knowledge which enables us to provide the best possible voice for you and your families.
To work with relevant providers on a strategic level to help improve and develop local services available to
We work in co-production with service providers, such as the Local Authority, Health and Social care. Co-production
is working together, with transparency and open communication, where equal value is given to each particip
To work with relevant providers on a strategic level to help improve and develop local services available to
We work in co-production with service providers, such as the Local Authority, Health and Social care. Co-production
is working together, with transparency and open communication, where equal value is given to each participant making a contribution. It is an approach which builds upon meaningful participation, assumes effective consultation and information sharing.
Parent/carers are there not just to illustrate the experiences of families, but to take joint responsibility to help shape future experiences and be an active part of delivering solutions.
Find out what services and support is available in North Tyneside
Find advice and Support relating to Education and Training for SEND.
For every shape and size of family, whatever they need and whatever their child’s disability, we’re here.
Supporting the Health needs of North Tyneside Residents
Getting North Tyneside residents more active and healthy
The National Network of Parent Carer Forums (NNPCF) is the independent national voice of parent carer forums