Following successful funding bids from the North East Combined Authority via The UK Shared Prosperity fund, we are able to offer parent carers in North Tyneside and your children and young people aged 11+ with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) opportunities to spend time with peers at a selection of sessions based in the west of the borough, within the Weetslade, Longbenton and Camperdown.
We will have activities, workshops, and sessions shaped & guided by you and your young people and opportunities to meet other families facing similar challenges.
This is a great chance to share experiences, learn from each other, and build a supportive community. Let's create lasting memories and connections at SEND Families Together!
Bookings can be made via our events page.
Following a further successful funding bid from the North East Combined Authority via The UK Shared Prosperity fund, we are able to offer parent carers in North Tyneside 1:1 information, advice and guidance sessions. These are delivered in person in Longbenton ( The Oxford Centre) and Dudley (The John Willie Sams Centre) and there is also the option to have an online appointment if this is easier.
Sessions will run each Monday morning from 09/09/24 - term time only between 09:30 -13:00
We have bookable appointments if you want to guarantee a time to be seen or if you just fancy a chat, a coffee and feel like a bit of support, you can just drop in!
1:1 sessions that are pre-booked will be given priority over drop in.
While we can't dive into individual cases, we're all ears for any questions you throw our way!
Please note; as ever if you need legal information advice and support, then we would always recommend you speak to SENDIASS
If you would like to book an appointment, please see the links below
Following on from our successful Autism in Schools project, which was part of a national NHSE funded programme. We are delighted to be offering a roll out of our support model in up to 40 schools in North Tyneside funded by the North East and North Cumbria ICB.
These sessions are open to any parent or carer who has a child who experiences difficulties or struggles in thier lives or who has any special educational needs or disabilities (SEND)
Diagnosis is not required to join.
Dates and schools will be shared by schools, on our social media and on our events page.
Parent Carer Needs Assessment ‘PCNA’
A Parent Carer Needs Assessment (PCNA) allows parent carers to have an assessment of their own needs, allowing them to discuss with a practitioner their caring role and how it affects their wellbeing as well as their choices about caring. It also provides an opportunity to look at what help is required to support them as a carer of a child/ young person with additional needs and/or disabilities, and to identify suitable help and support that is available.
All parent carers of a child with a disability (under the age of 18) have the right to request a parent carer needs assessment (Children and Families Act 2014). The assessment will consider:
During Summer 2023 North Tyneside Council made the decision to instigate a pilot project (12 months) to provide the offer and delivery of PCNA’s to eligible Parent Carers to a CVS organisation who would conduct this assessment on behalf of the Council. The benefits for doing this included having an organisation who was closer to Parent Carers and had a thorough understanding of the needs of Parent Carers. By being a Voluntary sector , non-statutory organisation it was believed that take up of assessments would be greater.
Following a competitive Procurement Exercise, we were thrilled to be successful in being awarded the 12 month contract to deliver Parent Carer Needs Assessments.
We have prepared a ‘What is a PCNA’ leaflet to help answer any parent carer questions. We also have a dedicated email address. If there are any queries, please drop an email or call us on 07572 787 044.
For a referral for Parent Carer Needs Assessment here:
PCNA Email:
We are Healthier Together Champions. Helping parents and carers access accurate and trusted NHS healthcare advice in the North East and North Cumbria. Download the App or look at their website: Home :: North East and North Cumbria Healthier Together (
Healthier Together Animation here: